Arrivare a Positano da Salerno


Discover the easiest path to get to Positano from Salerno

In this page you will find different solutions to reach Positano from Salerno, using bus, train, hydrofoil or private transportation services.

From Salerno to Positano

Percorso 1
From Salerno centre (train station) to Positano: Take the first bus from Salerno to Amalfi Salerno to Amalfi Timetable and then another bus from Amalfi to Positano Amalfi to Salerno Timetable

Percorso 2
From Salerno port to Positano: Travelmar hydrofoil

Private services door to door

For those who don’t want to wait for public transport in Salerno and Amalfi Coast and want enjoy the journey quietly and without worries it is advisable to rely on private transport services relying on professional services with drivers and cars with valid license to perform this transfer. You will find the driver waiting for you at the airport or the train station or at the dock that will take you to your destination.
Etindo offers aprivate rransfer from salerno to positano
On request it is also possible to arrange a stop in Ravello and Amalfi to visit the countries of the Amalfi Coast.

Prenota Alloggio a Positano

Prenota hotel a Positano